In 2002, I was hired by the Board of the McPherson Opera House Preservation Company as Director of Development, replacing Hartsook and Associates. The project was estimated at $8.5 million. I raised over $10 million and just barely missed my goal of having $1 million in reserves when the doors opened in January 2010. I then served, until the end of 2015, as Executive Director. The Opera House is regarded by both patrons and performers as an extraordinary venue.
My life has been filled with miracles and being hired as Director of Public Information while still a Protestant for one of the most authentically Catholic colleges in the world is one of them. With its Great Books curriculum and rich spiritual life, Thomas Aquinas College truly is hallowed ground. I left to set up and manage Heart of the Church Foundation. Please do check out the Thomas Aquinas College website.
Once I made a Christian recommitment in 1982 (see "My Testimony" below), I worked hard to grow in Christ. In 1984, I made a movie for Underground Evangelism. After I finished, I approached UE's President with the following request, "If you ever need someone with my skill set, I would be happy to serve." Not too long after that, I was offered the job of Director of the East-West Information Center in Munich, Germany.
Underground Evangelism ministered to persecuted Christians in Communist countries, primarily Baptists and Pentecostals.
On my first trip into the East— Romania—the secret compartment in our car was discovered, and I spent four days with the Romanian Secret Police. In the end, I was delivered directly by an intervention of the Holy Spirit. This was the beginning of many adventures that helped me grow in my faith.
With the fall of the Berlin Wall, I left the mission.
Here I am on the set of Summer Solstice, a made-for-TV movie featuring Henry Fonda, Myrna Loy, Stephen Colllins, and Lindsay Crouse. I was the production designer.
I must have written a really good essay to get into USC film school because I didn't have a film to submit. I had hoped to make it as a screen writer and wrote five scripts. Several of them made some noise, but none of them sold. Over my career, I worked as a production assistant, assistant editor, editor, production designer and director, depending on the project.
I have two dates in Roman numerals on a ring that I wear. The first is March 13th, 1955, the date I was baptized at the First Baptist Church of McPherson, Kansas. The second date is April 15th, 1995, the date I was accepted into full communion with the Catholic Church at St. Sebastian Parish, Santa Paula, California—a 40-year journey to reach my spiritual home. Download my testimony for the full story.
I was hired to do for the Jayhawk Theatre what I did for the McPherson Opera House. After 16 months, I was let go. I had, however, put together a first-class team for the rehab: Architect Vance Kelley, Contractor Eby Construction, Theatre Consultants Schuler Shook. I also got the ticketing and database in order. The Jayhawk has the potential to be one of the finest performance venues in the United States and is vitally important to the revitalization of downtown Topeka.
I formed Heart of the Church Foundation to represent, in the United States, the International Theological Institute for Studies on Marriage and the Family, established by St. John Paul II in Austria. Two Catholic luminaries, Fr. Joseph Fessio and Bill Clark (RIP), were convinced that I was the dumbest SOB on earth, and they eventually prevailed on the ITI Board to fire me.
FOCUS is a Catholic outreach ministry located on a number of college and university campuses. It is very successful and deservedly so. I was hired in its early days to fund raise. After a year, I was fired by the president for not meeting fund-raising goals. Several months after that, a board member called me, "Could you come back? The only things that work at FOCUS are the things you set up. " I didn't go back, but I fully support FOCUS. It's a work of God.
At age 18, I stood in a field in Western Kansas and said, "Lord, I no longer believe in you enough to pray" and lived in that state until age 35, when I made a complete surrender to God. More about that in "My Testimony" below.
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